Do you know how your employees are feeling about returning to the office, staying remote forever, or following a hybrid model? Have there been conversations about a 4-day work week, all year round rather than just during summer months?
Throughout the last month, we asked our followers some important questions about what they miss most, what kind of work environment they prefer, and general sentiments about the current state of work. While this gives us a glimpse into how some people are feeling, it’s not meant to be a representation of all Canadian employees.
We have some pretty mixed results around how folks feel about returning to the office. Some are for it, some have found comfort in their current setup, and others can go either way.

While some employees aren’t feeling all that enthusiastic about heading back to the office, we can see that for those who are looking to go back to the office, they’re excited to see their coworkers in person again. This held true for both of our Twitter and LinkedIn polls. Whether this is for collaborative purposes or in a social setting, many of us are looking forward to some face time with our people.

We asked our Instagram community members to share why they are or aren’t excited to go back to the office. Although many couldn’t deny the flexibility and convenience of working from home, for others, video chats and emails can’t replace true human connection.

This post really resonated with a lot of people who have been working remotely for the last 18 months. Let’s remind ourselves that our employees and coworkers have been going through a lot outside of work, yet they’re still showing up and doing their job to the best of their ability. When companies are putting together or rolling out their back-to-office plan, let’s make sure we don’t minimize all the hard work that employees have done virtually over the last 18 months.

When asking our followers about their thoughts on work-life engagement in their current work situations, there wasn’t a clear winner on Twitter and LinkedIn. I think we can all agree that everyone’s different and for some, the answer can actually change depending on the day!

Productivity is another hot topic we’ve been discussing. For some, having a dedicated work space in their home or at the office is key to feeling accomplished at the end of the day. Our LinkedIn followers are really enjoying working remotely when it comes to productivity.

But over on Instagram, the work from home distractions are a reality for many. While some of us are able to focus at home, others heavily rely on their office space, and are hoping to return sooner rather than later.

With Iceland setting themselves apart from the rest of the working world, we wanted to get our followers’ thoughts on the four-day workweek. There are plenty of kinks and expectations to be worked out for companies thinking of adopting the model, but they should know their people are all for it.

We also wanted to know how our followers were feeling about returning to work. Majority of our respondents shared they were either very anxious or a little nervous. If you’re feeling uncertain too, register for our free upcoming webinar on July 29th at 1:00 PM EDT to get tips on how to cope with feelings of anxiety when thinking about returning to the office and explore ways to reintegrate when interacting in-person with co-workers again or for the first time.

Thanks for participating! Look out for more polls on our LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram and share your thoughts and experiences with us.