Where Canadian employment lives

We know running a business is more than just paperwork and tasks. We make it easy to care for your business and those who bring it to life.

Humi makes it easy
to be a great place to work, every day
Save time
Say goodbye to manual processes and paperwork.
One-stop shop
Everything you need, all in one place.
Happy employees
Self-service tools for a better work experience.
From hiring to retiring, we've got you covered
At Humi, we support every stage of the employee journey. Here's how our platform helps you manage the entire employee lifecycle.
Attract and hire
  • Job postings and career pages
  • Applicant tracking system
  • Interview templates and notes
  • Candidate assessments
  • Offer letter management
  • Digital document signing
  • Employee information collection
  • Onboarding task management
  • Custom onboarding templates
  • Training assignment
  • Employee database
  • Time off and time tracking management
  • Document management
  • Company announcements
  • Organization charts
  • Payroll processing
  • Tax calculations and remittances
  • Direct deposit
  • Automatic T4 and ROE generation
  • Year-end tools
  • Performance reviews
  • Goal setting and tracking
  • Scheduled reviews
  • Flexible templates
  • Feedback and recognition
  • Skills and training tracking
  • Employee self-service portal
  • Company news and updates
  • Employee surveys
  • Employee benefits enrollment and management
  • Perks and discounts program
  • Custom compensation structure
  • Career pathing
  • Work anniversary tracking
  • Internal job postings
  • Exit interviews
  • Offboarding checklists
  • Final pay calculations
  • Asset recovery tracking
Each stage of the employee lifecycle is seamlessly connected in Humi, ensuring 
a smooth experience for both employers 
and employees.
See how Humi can transform
your employee management
See Humi in action
Humi Platform Tour Thumbnail
Your data, safe and sound
We’re serious about security, which is why it’s at the heart of Humi. With SOC 2 Type II compliance and bank-level encryption, your data is protected to the highest standards. We keep everything in Canada on our own servers — no third parties involved. At Humi, your information isn't just secure; it's home.
Humi security
Humi connects with your existing tools, bringing everything together
Learn about integrations
Stay compliant, stay confident

Running a business in Canada comes with its fair share of regulations. Humi keeps you up-to-date and compliant, so you can focus on what you do best.

Notifications for legislation changes
Province-specific compliance features
Built-in safeguards to prevent common mistakes
Does having a full suite mean each part of the platform is subpar vs. going with different specialized platforms whose focus is solely on one part of the business?
We’re proud to have a solid integrated product with teams who focus on each module so we can offer the best experience in all areas.
Why should I pick Humi over its competitors?
We’re laser focused on building for small and medium-sized Canadian businesses. We understand the market best because your business is not an afterthought for us. And, we’re proud to have everything operated and stored in-house, including our benefits brokerage!
How safe is my company data?
Your data is stored in Canada and we’re SOC2 TYPE II compliant. Learn more on our security page.
What does your customer support look like? I’ve had bad experiences with other software.
We’re part of your team; your business is our business which means we invest in you. We offer world-class customer support. Check out our reviews on G2.
Got more questions?

Ready to transform your workplace?

Join thousands of Canadian businesses who trust Humi to simplify their employment processes.